
Acupuncture is the use of very fine sterile needles inserted at specific points of the body so as to rebalance the internal environment, re-establish homeostasis, and thus treat disease.  According to traditional theories acupuncture influences the vital force, or Qi, of the body.  Western science has proven that acupuncture can regulate the body by many mechanisms, including stimulating the endocine and nervous systems.

The Chinese consider acupuncture a "bu tong," or painless therapy.  Most patients find treatments relaxing and rejuvenating.  Most people associate acupuncture with pain managament, and, it is true that acupuncture is very effective at treating all types of acute and chronic pain.  That said, acupuncture can be used to treat a very wide range of conditions including infertility, gynecological conditions, digestive disorders, respiratory complaints, insomnia, fatigue, and psychological issues such as anxiety and depression. 

Moxa Pole Application

Moxa Pole Application


Moxibustion is a traditional heat therapy in which the processed leaves of the herb Artemisia Vulgaris are burned at or above specific acupuncture points. In the Chinese and Japanese languages, the word for "Acupuncture" (Zhenjiu in Chinese, Harikyu in Japanese) is actually a combination of the words Acupuncture and Moxabustion as these two arts are almost always practiced in conjunction with one another. Moxibustion is particularly effective at treating weakness conditions as well as conditions where the body feels cold or tired. Modern research has shown that moxa treatment can enhance vitality, such as in raising white blood cell counts in severely debilitated patients.  It can even be used to reposition breech babies. In our office moxibustion is a common adjunct to acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture for Babies and Kids!

Acupuncture is a fantastic therapy for young children, and our office offers treatment with a very special form of Japanese acupuncture that is unique to children. The treatment uses "needles" that do not actually pierce the skin, so it can be used on even infants and new borns. For more information on pediatric acupuncture please click here.

SMoking Cessation

Acupuncture is an effective adjunct treatment for smoking cessation. Research suggests that acupuncture is useful for short term cigarette abstinence (click here for research citation). When combined with behavioral modification results are even better for long term success. Click here to download our smoking cessation program booklet.

Case Studies

Click here for a case study on treatment of pain from our clinic



World Health Organization

Acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of disease.  According to the World Health Organization the following conditions respond to acupuncture treatment:

Upper Respiratory Tract
Acute sinusitis
Acute rhinitis
Common Cold
Acute tonsillitis
Respiratory System
Acute bronchitis
Bronchial asthma (most effective in children and in patients without complicating diseases)
Disorders of the Eye
Acute conjunctivitis
Central retinitis
Myopia (in children)
Cataract (without complications)

Disorders of the Mouth
Toothache, post-extraction pain
Acute and chronic pharyngitis

Gastro-intestinal Disorders
Spasms of esophagus
Acute and chronic gastritis
Gastric hyperacidity
Chronic duodenal ulcer (pain relief)
Acute duodenal ulcer (without complications)
Acute and chronic colitis
Acute bacillary dysentery
Paralytic ileus

Neurological and Musculo-skeletal Disorders
Headache and migraine
Trigeminal neuralgia
Facial palsy (early stage, i.e., within three to six months)
Pareses following a stroke
Peripheral neuropathies
Sequelae of poliomyelitis (early stage, i.e., within six months)
Meniere's disease
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
Nocturnal enuresis
Intercostal neuralgia
Cervicobrachial syndrome
Frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, sciatica
Low back pain